Sunday, December 13, 2015

Web Scavenger Hunt

Subject Matter:  Music                                                                            

Grade Level: 9-12

Lesson Objective: Learners will demonstrate knowledge of/understanding of/ability to: read music on the treble and bass clef and label the notes on a staff.

Common Core State Standard and/or Academic Content Standard: Type out one specific CCSS and/or one academic content standard met with this lesson. (


  • Processing, Analyzing, and Responding to Sensory Information Through the Language and Skills Unique to Music
  • Students read, notate, listen to, analyze, and describe music and other aural information, using the terminology of music.
  • Read and Notate Music
    • 1.1  Read an instrumental or vocal score of up to four staves and explain how the elements of music are used.
    • 1.2 Transcribe simple songs when presented aurally into melodic and rhythmic notation (level of difficulty: 1 on a scale of 1-6).
    • 1.3 Sight-read music accurately and expressively (level of difficulty: 3 on a scale of 1-6).

Technology Standard: NETS for Students: Type out one specific student technology standard met with this lesson. (  

Standard 2:  Research and Information Fluency
  • Locate, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media.
  • Process data and report results

Website Addresses Used as Resources:  Use the following links as tools to complete the questionnaire below.


Student Research Questions:

Essential Question:  

1.  What is the difference between the treble clef and the bass cleff?

Subsidiary Questions (6-10):

2.  Which vocal parts are more suited for the treble clef?
3.  What happens when a note is higher or lower than the five lines on a staff?
4.  There are many other different clefs we use in music.  Why do you think there are so many?
5.  Is there a vocal part that can use both clefs?  Why is that?
6.  Look at the four-part hymn Amazing Grace.  What note is each vocal part on in the last chord?
7.  In Amazing Grace, why do you think there are two stems on the word “but” in measure 9?
8.  Why is the treble clef called a “g clef” and a bass clef called an “f clef?”
9. Where is middle C and why is it given that name?
10.  Why would the grand staff be important?  Can you think of any instruments that would use a grand staff?

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